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Active in the culture market since 2013 in all artistic sectors, Ártemis carries out in-house projects and provides services to clients and partners. Our purpose is to supply the market with a host of services that transform people and create positive impacts on companies and society through culture.



Ártemis’ mission is to promote and foster access to culture by strengthening dialogue and proposing sustainable solutions. Through our goal of incentivizing the public and private sectors to craft formative, lasting cultural policies, Ártemis seeks to develop an enduring legacy of mindful work for society.



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Priscilla Cadette studied Cultural Production at the Brazilian Conservatory of Music - CBM/RJ and has served as a Cultural Manager for six years. She’s developed an important relationship with investment companies through her work in cultural financing in Brazil. Since 2015, she has served as Business Manager of Sala Cecília Meireles, responsible for institutional relations, fundraising, communication and marketing. Priscilla also holds experience in interpersonal relationships and crisis management.

Letícia Santos studied Cultural Production at the Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro and has worked for ten years in the executive production of cultural projects. Working in the development of pre-production activities, research and project development under culture incentive laws, Letícia also works in the production of venue seasons and national tours and supports accountability efforts. In addition to sponsor counterpart management, she also oversees projects and the creation of accountability reports for both incentive laws and sponsors.

Earning his undergraduate degree in economics from the Fluminense Federal University and an MBA from COPPEAD/UFRJ, Leonardo de Assis also completed a specialization course in project management from Dinsmore Associates and has a decade of experience in the areas of competitive intelligence, supply market intelligence, and strategic and global sourcing. Leonardo currently serves as a professor of competitive intelligence and social innovation at the MBA in Company program at PUC Rio, professor of supply market intelligence of the Procurement Business School in São Paulo, professor of integrated logistics management, economics and taxation of the MBA in Integrated Management program at Unigranrio and professor of big data and market analysis at ESPM RJ.

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Beatriz Cardozo is an attorney and graduate of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), achieving certification on the 25th OAB (Order of Attorneys of Brazil) exam in 2018. She served as an intern at the company LIGHT in 2015 and worked at the 2nd Regional Court from 2015-2017, later serving as a Federal Public Defender from 2017 to 2018 in the areas of criminal, tax and civil law. Beatriz was a Junior Associate Attorney at the law offices of Barifouse & Macedo Advogados and currently provides legal counsel to Ártemis Cultural and Social Affairs.

Marcos Pinheiro is a graduate of the Cultural Production program at the Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro, Nilópolis Campus. Working as an intern at the Cultural Center of the Ministry of Health (CCMS) for two years, Marcos was responsible for integrating the space’s educational sector, developing activities and programming for the Cultural Center and facilitating guided tours, working directly with all types of audiences. Currently, he is part of the Ártemis team in the client and sponsor relations area, working in project development and post-sales as well as project registration under culture incentive laws.

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